Hobert Price, Sr.

Hobert Price, Sr. was born in 1899 in the small town of Mineola, Texas; attended the local college in Greenville, Texas; and served in the United States Army during World War I – helping to bring aid to those affected by the Flu Pandemic of 1918. After returning from active duty, Mr. Price attended the University of Texas Law School, where he was a quiz master and an integral force in forming the Texas Law Review, where he sat on the original Board of Editors. Upon graduation, he began his legal career at the firm of Thomas, Frank, Milam & Touchstone, after which he and a few colleagues formed Strasburger, Price, Holland, Kelton, and Miller. Soon after founding the firm, Mr. Price joined the United States Navy during World War II. Upon his return, he continued to build the firm through impressive appellate work; taught a procedure course at SMU; and took a young lawyer – Royal H. Brin, Jr. (himself one of the deans of Texas appellate practice) – under his wing.




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